Q – Will the Indoor Pest Repellers have an affect on my cat or dog?
A – No, the Indoor Pest Repellers are safe for pets including cats and dogs.
Q – Will the Indoor Pest Repellers have an affect on my rabbit, hamster or gerbil?
A – Yes, however the Small House and Large House Pest Repellers come with a pet safe option. Use this setting and ensure the device is used in a different room to where your pets are housed.
Q – Can I buy from you directly?
A – No, unfortunatly we do not supply directly to the general public. Please contact us on customercare@peststopsystems.com and we can help you find a distributor
Q – What is the average battery life for the Outdoor Pest Repellers
A – Between 2 and 4 weeks. These repellers require a lot of power to emit the high powered ultrasonic waves to effectivity deter pests in your garden. We do however offer a Universal Power Kit to allow the unit to be powered by mains.
Q – Do you sell replacement parts?
A – No, we do not sell replacement parts for any of our products.
Q – How do I attach bird spikes?
A – To attach the Pest-Stop Bird Spikes to ledges or wood you can use screws or suitable external use adhesive. To attach the product to guttering, you can use the specially deisgned Pest-Stop Bird Spike Clips
Q – I’ve lost my instruction sheet, where can I find a copy?
A – We have instruction sheets available to download alongside the products on our website.
Q – Help, I have mice in my house!
A – We would recommend using either a conventional or humane trap to catch the rodents and then investing in a Indoor Pest Repeller to avoid future infestations.
Q – What is your guarantee period?
A – All Pest-Stop products are guaranteed for a period of 30 days from date of purchase against defect caused by faulty materials or workmanship during manufacture. If you need to make a claim against this guarantee, please return the product in its original packaging with proof of purchase to the retailer where it was purchased.